Emoji Sky

I made an emoji-sky generator on Glitch with Andrea Gaither and Jez Smith. Andrea is an amazing engineer and made the code actually work and display Twemoji (I think the flatness of Twemoji designs works really well for emoji grid art). Jez swooped in later to tidy everything up (he really cares about code being as efficient and elegant as possible). It's based on the glorious Emoji Garden by Monica Dinculescu.

This was my first time using Glitch, and I had a lot of fun. I knew I wanted to do an emoji-sky generator after experimenting with different sky configurations for my Instagram account Emoji Influencer. Emoji Influencer is an Insta influencer who leads a fabulous life and just so happens to be an emoji. She has a pet bunny named Greyscale. Here are some of her posts featuring skies:

I'm so happy with how Emoji Sky turned out. It was even featured in Glitch's weekly roundup!!!

emoji sky.png

If you generate a particularly good emoji sky, send me a screenshot! I love seeing them!